Deelnemers WK BBQ bekend

Patrick Demarest


De BBQ Fielesoofen werken verder aan de organisatie van het WK BBQ dat normaal gezien op 28, 29 en 30 mei 2021 plaats vindt. De deelnemende teams, 76 in totaal, staan nu ook vast. Opmerkelijk: ook gastronomisch restaurant Bassud vaardigt een team af. 

1 Show del Fuego, Argentina
2 Chancho Hermanos, Argentina
3 Los Profesionales de las Brasas, Argentina
4 Maestros del Fuego Argentina, Argentina
5 Steiramen BBQ, Austria
6 Austrian National BBQ Team, Austria
7 ABC Grill Austrian Barbecue Crew, Austria
8 Q Lovin' Criminals, Belgium
9 Chef's BBQ, Belgium
10 Smaakmakers, Belgium
11 Five Q, Belgium
12 The Juice Brothers, Belgium
13 Qlinaria, Belgium
14 BBCats, Belgium
15 Smoke on the wild side, Belgium
16 The Smokey Devils, Belgium
17 Wettels on fire, Belgium
18 BBQ Time KuLinair, Belgium
19 Slagerij - Traiteur Decock Jeroen, Belgium
20 De Moaten, Belgium
21 WildHogs, Belgium
22 BBQ Desert Team, Belgium
23 Bassud, Belgium
24 De Muurgrillers, Belgium
25 Weber Grill Academy Ruislé, Belgium
27 Rancho do Maiado, Brazil
28 BBQ SP Smoke and Grill, Brazil
29 Patagonia Entre Brasas Y Rios, Chile
30 ACA Chile, Chile
31 Kuipers Parrilla, Columbia
32 Asociacion Colombiana De Parrilleros, Columbia
33 Colombia 2, Columbia
34 Asociacioncolparrilleros, Columbia
35 Burning Cows BBQ Team, Denmark
36 BBQ Monster, Germany
37 Rhöner Heimat Griller, Germany
38 Wild West BBQ, Germany
39 BBQ Brew Crew, Germany
40 Aartal BBQ Crew e.V., Germany
41 Smokin'S, Germany
42 Grillteam GutGlut e.V., Germany
43 Peter Zeitler BBQ, Germany
44 team Ghana, Ghana
45 Parrilleros Latinoamericanos, Guatemala
46 Relish BBQ, Ireland
47 Team Dublin Fire Brigade, Ireland
48 Spice Man Shay, Ireland
49 Smokin' Hot BBQ Team, Italy
50 A-team, Italy
51 Leon BBQ Team, Italy
52 All You Can Smoke BBQ Team, Italy
54 BALDO BBQ, Italy
55 Santa Muerte BBQ, Italy
56 Griller Unchained, Italy
57 The Devils, Italy
58 Káak´ Mictlan, Mexico
59 Barbakua, Paraguay
60 LA BBQ Team, Sweden
61 Lowlands_BB, Sweden
62 Team FIR-E BBQ&GRILL, Sweden
63 44 BBQ, Sweden
64 Chläggi-Brutzler BBQ Team, Switzerland
65 Beniamin's Best Quality, Switzerland
66 World Barbecue Team, Switzerland
67 Smoker Team Oberschan, Switzerland
68 Smoker Dudes Switzerland
69 Fireball BBQ-Team, Switzerland
70 BBQ Suzie Q, Switzerland
71 Dutch BBQ Team, The Netherlands
72 Smoken’ Dutch, The Netherlands
73 Serious Hot Fools, The Netherlands
74 Barron BBQ Team, The Netherlands
75 LXRY BBQ Bandits, The Netherlands
76 Asociacion Venezolana de Parrilleros, Venezuela